Help Thu, 22 Aug 2024 12:16:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Help 32 32 ‘Go Pro’ message appears after Elementor Pro subscription Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:53:22 +0000 Issue

Elementor prompts to upgrade to Elementor Pro even after buying the subscription.

Possible causes

Following may cause the system to prompt you to upgrade to Elementor Pro even after buying the subscription:

  • Using old version of Elementor and Elementor Pro
  • License key not activated
  • Plugin conflicts


Update your Elementor/Elementor Pro

Make sure you are using the latest versions of both Elementor and Elementor Pro.

  1. Login to Wp Admin.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Updates. The WordPress Updates page opens.
    ‘Go Pro’ message despite Elementor Pro subscription 1
  3. Click the Check again link. You will receive notification for new updates, if any.
    ‘Go Pro’ message despite Elementor Pro subscription 2

Activate your license

Remember that both the free version and the Pro version must be installed and activated.

  • Confirm that you have activated your license key under Elementor > License in your WordPress dashboard. 
  • You can also login to the Websites section of your My Elementor dashboard. Then, enter a new URL if yours is not listed.

Resolve plugin conflict

Check for a plugin conflict, as this is often the problem.

Follow these steps to check for plugin conflict:

  1. Temporarily deactivate all of your plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro. If the Go Pro message disappears, then you know one of the disabled plugins is causing the problem. 
  2. Reactivate each plugin, one at a time, until the problem reappears. The last plugin reactivated is the cause of the problem.
  3. Contact the 3rd party plugin’s developers to get help with resolving the conflict, or use a different plugin with similar functionality.
“Undefined” error while loading templates Sun, 19 Apr 2020 08:02:19 +0000 Issue 

You see the error message “Undefined” when you try to add a template:

[callout type=”warning”]Always backup your website before taking any troubleshooting steps.[/callout]

Troubleshooting steps

Browser issues

Check if it is not due to a conflict with a browser add-on by editing in incognito mode with your browser.

PHP issues

  • If you’re using PHP 7.3 or earlier, upgrade your PHP version to PHP 7.4.

[callout type=”note”]From Elementor version 3.19, PHP 7.4 will be required. For more details about Elementor system requirements, see System Requirements. [/callout]

  • If you’re using PHP 8.0 or later, revert to PHP 7.4. Later versions of PHP may have compatibility issues with Elementor. 

Hosting issues

  • Ask your hosting provider to increase the timeout value of your server.
  • Ask your hosting provider to check the database encoding of your website.

Plugin Issues

  • Deactivate all your website plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro. If your site works, one of these plugins is probably causing the error. To learn more about activating and deactivating plugins see, Activate and Deactivate plugins.

To isolate the problematic plugin, reactivate the plugins one at a time, until one of them breaks the site.

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“Not Visible For Site Visitors” error on submitting form Thu, 28 Oct 2021 11:51:41 +0000 Issue
“Not Visible For Site Visitors” error on submitting form

After a visitor submits a form on your website the following error message(s) displays: This Message Not Visible For Site Visitors.

Possible cause

This error generally occurs when there is an issue with the field mapping between Elementor and MailChimp.


Check to see that your form is properly integrated with MailChimp. For more details, see Integrate Forms With MailChimp.

[callout type=”tip”]Consult the Form Submissions logs to understand any delivery issues.[/callout]

403 error – cannot activate license Wed, 22 Apr 2020 08:01:00 +0000 Issue

Trying to activate a license gives 403 error or cannot activate license error. 

The 403 error indicates that the request is valid and understandable for the server but it cannot provide additional access.

Possible cause

403 error can occur due to the following causes:

  • Authorization issues
  • A corrupt .htaccess file
  • IP blocking issues
  • Firewall issues


Try the following to fix the 403 error:

  • Refresh page
  • Clear your browser cookies and cache
  • Disconnect from your VPN
  • Deactivate WordPress plugins
  • Check for URL errors and make sure you’re specifying an actual web page file name and extension, not just a directory

If the issue persists, ask your hosting company to investigate the issue and allow the connection.

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500 error Sun, 19 Apr 2020 11:02:11 +0000 [callout type=”note”]This article is relevant for Elementor Plugin users. If you’re an Elementor Hosting user experiencing a 500 error, reach out to our Support team.[/callout]


500 errors are server errors originating from your website’s server environment.

Possible cause

Here are some of the most common causes for the 500 error:

  • Not enough memory allocated to your websiteElementor requires 128 MB (Minimum) memory to function properly. If your website includes other plugins, we recommend 512MB. It might be that the memory allocated to your website is not enough to support its needs which results in a 500 error.
  • Third party plugin issue – If Elementor is not the only plugin you’re using, this 500 error might originate from an issue with other plugins. 
  • Fatal Errors – A 500 error might be a result of another error, a fatal error. Fatal errors originate from your website’s PHP file.

Find the cause

To Troubleshoot a 500 error, you need to find its source. Check your website’s server PHP error logs to find the cause of the problem.

If you’re not sure how to access your PHP error logs, ask your hosting company to provide it. You can then submit a support ticket for Elementor support.


If the error appears on all website pages

Follow these steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Back up your site. For details, see Back Up Your Elementor Hosting Website
  2. Update to the latest versions of Elementor and Elementor Pro.
  3. Deactivate all of your active plugins other than Elementor and Elementor Pro and see if it solves the issue. 
  4. Reactivate the plugins one by one to find the culprit.

If the error appears on a specific page

Follow these steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Go to the page with the error.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the Update/Publish button.
    500 error 2
  3. Choose Save as Template. The LIBRARY window is displayed.
    500 error 5
  4. Enter a name for your template.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Go to Pages > Add New Page. A new page opens.
    500 error 3
  7. Click the folder icon to add a template.
    500 error 4
  8. Click My Templates. The list of templates is shown.
    500 error 1
  9. Click Import next to the template you saved earlier.

If the error appears while updating a page

For details, see The Publish / Update Button Does Not Work- How To Fix | Elementor

If you are using third party plugins

If Elementor is not the only plugin you’re using, the 500 error might originate from an issue with other plugins. Follow these steps to solve the issue:

  1. Enable Safe Mode.
  2. Check if you can edit and save the website.
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502 error Sun, 19 Apr 2020 08:01:24 +0000 Issue

When editing a page with Elementor you get a 502 error. 

As per IETF, 502 status code, indicates the following:

  • Proxies: If you get a bad gateway note, you’re working with a gateway or proxy server.
  • Connection: The proxy tried to work with the origin server.
  • Mistake: The proxy got some kind of invalid response from the server.

For more information on 502 error, refer Bad Gateway Errors: Why They Happen and 5 Solutions | Okta 

Possible cause

When a server gets an invalid response from another server, the system gives 502 bad gateway messages.


To solve the 502 error, follow the below steps:

  1. Login to WP Admin.
  2. Go to  Elementor > Settings > Advanced.
  3. Enable Switch Editor Loader Method. This changes the Elementor editor loader method.
    502 error

If you are using the Elementor plugin, then you may need to increase a particular Apache service limit. Add the following lines inside the website’s .htaccess file:

<IfModule mod_substitute.c>
SubstituteMaxLineLength 10M

You can edit that file using any of the following:

  • SSH
  • FTP
  • File Manager tool in cPanel

Contact your website hosting provider for further support with the 502 error.

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520 error Mon, 16 Mar 2020 11:49:34 +0000 Issue

Editing with Elementor gives the following error:

Error 520: Web Server Is Returning an Unknown Error.

You can get this error when the website does something unexpected, resulting in an unknown error.

Possible causes

Following may be the causes:

  • Browser issue
  • Rocket Loader issue (For Cloudflare users) – Rocket Loader automatically changes the scripts to load asynchronously, which breaks the site editor and prevents you from making changes.


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About Elementor website kits (Hosting) Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:41:55 +0000

Website kits allow you to build professional websites without needing to know how to code or even design. A kit gives you webpages, page features like pop-ups, and everything else you need to build a stunning website. 

There are two ways you can build your website with a kit. For Elementor hosted website owners, you can start with a website kit when you first purchase your site. From here, you’ll be taken through the kit selection process. 

If you’re a plugin user, or a hosted website user who didn’t originally install a kit, you can install kits by going to your WordPress dashboard and selecting one via the Kit Library within the Templates tab. 

In this how-to guide, we’ll look at how you can find and implement a kit.

What is a website kit?

Website kits contain webpages, forms, pop-ups, and other features that you can use to create a website. Features are modular, enabling you to customize your website through visual editing. Every website kit comes with a complete design and structure for a full website. This ensures you won’t forget to add a necessary feature

Finding a website kit

Kit Library

Whether you’re an Elementor hosted website owner just starting out, or you want to incorporate a kit using the plugin, you’ll need to go to the Kit Library

For new Elementor Hosting owners:

As part of the installation process, you’ll be given the option of starting with a website kit. The system will walk you through the kit selection process, helping you narrow down the choices according to the type of site you want to build and your experience level. Keep in mind that you can always change your mind later by restoring your site and choosing another kit or choosing to start from scratch. 

For all others:

  1. Open the Kit Library by navigating to the WordPress Panel.
  2. Click Templates.
  3. Open Kit Library

Once in the Kit Library you have several ways to look for your perfect kit:

  1. Scroll through the entire library
  2. Search for a specific term (e.g. Bakery)
  3. Use the dropdown menu to order the library by Featured, New, Popular, and Trending
  4. Search through the kits by category, tags, types or plan (Free, Pro or Expert)
Screenshot of the Kit Library. Tiles of each kit are displayed below a search bar you can use to find the kit you want.
The Kit Library gives you many different kits to choose from.

Remember that after you apply a kit, you’ll be able to customize the content. If a specific genre isn’t available, use a similar kit and make it your own! 

Important: It is highly recommended that kits be installed on a clean WordPress website – one that does not have any other kits, headers, footers, etc. installed, as these may conflict with your website kit.  In addition, kits may overwrite or append your current site data. Hosted website users can check out “How do I delete my Elementor hosted website to start over again?” for information on how to start with a clean website. All users can export their sites using the Export Kit

Viewing the kits

When you find a kit that interests you, hover over it and click View Demo. You can then look at the kit’s pages, even seeing them as they would appear on a desktop, tablet, and mobile device. 

The icons that control the responsive view
Use these icons to see how the kit would look on different devices.

Use the Overview button to see all the pages and site parts (e.g. header, footer, page and templates, archives, 404 page) you’ll be importing. 

The Overview button
Overview let’s you view all the kit’s site parts.

If all looks good, you’ll want to apply the kit to your site.

Applying the website kit

Once you’ve found your dream kit, it’s time to apply it to your site:

  1. Click the Apply Kit button – Elementor may ask you to enable the importation of SVGs before applying the kit – you should allow it.
  2. You’ll be asked whether you want to apply the whole kit or customize the parts you want to import. Unless you’re an experienced Elementor user, we recommend applying the whole kit.
    The option to customize the parts of a kit you import.
    Unless you’re an experienced user, we recommend selecting “Apply All.”

  3. Wait for the importer to complete; don’t close this screen until it’s finished!
    Screenshot of the importers processing screen.
    Wait until the import completes its magic!

  4. Click Next. You’ll then see a list of items that were imported successfully.
    Screenshot of the website kit import wizard completion screen.

  5. Click Close to complete the process and exit the import wizard.
  6. Once back at the WordPress dashboard, click the Pages tab to view your new pages and begin customizing them.

Related Articles

Customizing your kit’s site identity and menu.

Accelerated plugins Sun, 06 Aug 2023 13:26:12 +0000 While WordPress plugins give users enormous flexibility in building their sites, they can also slow your site down. Plugins can contain hundreds of files, and accessing all these files tax server resources. 

Accelerated plugins available through Elementor Hosting, speed up file access by storing plugin files in the server’s RAM as opposed to reading them from a disk. This means your site loads faster when you edit it, and responds more quickly when website visitors access it.  

Find and install accelerated plugins

For a full list of accelerated plugins, see List of accelerated plugins.

To use accelerated plugins:

  1. Search the WordPress repository for a plugin. For more details, see Find and Install WordPress plugins.  

Note the  ZrKh2yP7t8m0XbyQS54MdvFRPu2lFNtSg8CJUrfhBGwj97EMHp7lNkRW5InSIRXZJavdHjoZs9ZK4iSvBV6pO6STvHfKihCWi Cg2cjInmFGvbU Accelerated plugins 20 icon. This indicated the plugin is part of Elementor Hosting accelerated plugin program. 

  1. Install the plugin.  For more details, see Find and Install WordPress plugins

Accelerated plugins are listed under the plugins tab of your WordPress dashboard. They are marked with a special icon Ez M3Zzrfl GMUUIi7h3jxEiXJtEN5KWFK 38zEaQrNBc yfblJvoYgtrr1Zp5V4rIlvCIBObCzl2vZ4ugspTpMLaqrDGJh44Qzwh3FMdy1KowkoJ46yWUu7iRUoymk1rT2d125u7eEeCOelpTUk7Q Accelerated plugins 22 for accelerated plugins.

Enable acceleration on an existing plugin

If you are already using a plugin that can be accelerated, acceleration will automatically be added the next time you update the plugin. You can also manually enable the acceleration feature.

To enable acceleration:

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, locate the plugin.
  2. Click Accelerate Plugin.

Disable plugin acceleration

If you need to disable plugin acceleration:

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, locate the plugin. 
  2. Click the accelerated plugin icon B0fWi6oi JKUqlR4iNqC6tJDBApM0eIfBvJRWJ1qaXxF5onMxRnY85k7p0rM3TADHdgEgVSQAoqaR2vn6cBvJHjM3yGOLe0 6ja FbmAfW1wViKW9Q8l UdK3gja6LbhZ9SRjo0anSY5kR1x Accelerated plugins 24.
  3. Confirm that you want to disable the acceleration.

Note: Your plugin will remain installed, just the acceleration will be disabled.


When using the accelerated plugin feature and logging into my SFTP – my plugin files are inaccessible – why is that?

Accelerated plugins use symlinks. This means the plugins are not on your site, but are shared among many sites. This makes them much faster but read-only. 

If I switch from Elementor hosting – will accelerated plugins still work?

No, this is an exclusive feature of Elementor hosting.

Does this mean I can’t upload any custom plugin files? 

You can still upload custom plugin files just as before. These custom plugins will not be accelerated. 

List of Accelerated Plugins

  • Elementor
  • Elementor Pro
Access a section that is hidden Wed, 09 Aug 2023 08:02:17 +0000 Sometimes, because of using Negative Margins, Z-Index, or Absolute Positioning, a section or the section’s handle can become hidden and inaccessible, making it seemingly impossible to edit it. This is because either another section overlaps it, or because it gets hidden behind the header that comes from the theme.

Elementor’s Navigator enables you to easily reach and edit these hidden section handles.

Navigator 1 Access a section that is hidden 26

Navigator’s tree panel provides easy access to every element on the editor with just one click. Now you can edit and move elements that have been hidden by Z-Index, negative margins, and absolute positions. 

Click structure Access a section that is hidden 28

To open the Navigator, click the structure icon in the Editor bar.

Learn more about how this wonderful tool puts you in complete control over the elements on the page.

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