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Add custom CSS

Last Update: September 24, 2024

You can add a custom CSS to an element, page or site. 

Add custom CSS to an element

  1. Select an element by clicking it or selecting it from the Navigator.
    Click the advanced tab 1 Add custom CSS 1
  2. In the panel, click the Advanced tab.
    Custom CSS Add custom CSS 3
  3. Scroll down and expand Custom CSS.
    Thr CSS text field Add custom CSS 5
  4. In the text box that opens, enter the CSS code.

Add custom CSS to a page

  1. Go to the Page Settings panel.
    Select Advanced tab for page settings Add custom CSS 7
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
    Enter the custom CSS in the text box of page settings Add custom CSS 9
  3. In the text box that opens, enter the CSS code.

Add custom CSS to the site

  1. Go to the Site Settings panel.
    Select custom css from the menu 1 Add custom CSS 11
  2. Select Custom CSS from the list.
    Enter the custom CSS in the text box of site settings Add custom CSS 13
  3. In the text box that opens, enter the CSS code.

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