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Delete a user from your website

Last Update: April 8, 2024

You may need to delete a user from your website to prevent them from having access. This can be done through the WordPress dashboard.

Delete users

To delete a user from your site:

  1. Navigate to your My Elementor dashboard.
    image 12 Delete a user from your website 1
  2. Hover over the website card of the site you want to add a user to and click Manage this site.
    image 13 Delete a user from your website 3
  3. In the left panel, click Roles.
  4. Hover over the email address of the user you want to delete. 
    image 14 Delete a user from your website 5
  5. Click the delete icon FbAD4NQNoKScfKxnv0R PD2YpJwZ3DiASx2ag4FuelS3xFDmXQZbdNyzemJVOnjJNcZkWXqULxEMe8YzBJYPKQZEUhZOlFQuOI08IpQul9HeNDg6sjrORHgF95nfGWbhIFBKE RBq1j 1sItjKjVA Delete a user from your website 7.
    image 15 Delete a user from your website 9
  6. In the confirmation window, click Remove to confirm that you are deleting the user from your website.
  7. (Optional) The confirmation window contains a checkbox marked Remove their permissions from WordPress too. Deselect this checkbox If you want the user to retain access to the site using WP Admin. If you uncheck this box they will still have all the permissions of a site admin but the site will no longer appear in their My Elementor dashboard. 

The user no longer has access to the website.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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