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Connect a custom domain

Last Update: July 25, 2024

Note: If you purchased your domain name from one of the providers listed below, click the link for documentation tailored to that domain name provider:

Google Domains


Creating an Elementor hosted website is your first step on the road to success. Now it’s time to attach a great name to your beautiful site.

When you purchase an Elementor hosted website, your site is assigned a name (e.g. However, you’ll probably want to give it a more memorable name like 

If you don’t currently own a name, check out our guide to buying a domain name

Once you’ve purchased a name, or if you already have a custom name, you’re ready to add it to your Elementor website. This means that when visitors type in the address bar of their browser, they’ll go to your site. 

In order to do this, you will first need to make some changes to the DNS records of your domain name. This document will walk you through the steps.

How does it work

There are three parts to connecting a custom domain.

  • Getting your website details from Elementor
  • Configuring your DNS records at your domain registrar’s website.
  • Entering the domain name and choosing if you want to set it as primary. You will be given an option to create a www variant as well. Then, you will finish the process on and verify that your domain is fully operational.

Connect a custom domain to your Elementor Hosting website

  1. Go to your My Elementor dashboard.
    Click Manage this website 3 Connect a custom domain 1
  2. Hover over the website card of the site you want to connect and click Manage This Website.
    Click Connect Domain Connect a custom domain 3
  3. Click Connect domain.
  4. In the popup window, enter the custom domain name you purchased.
    2 1 Connect a custom domain 5
    Generally, you will use the domain name without www in front of it.
    3 Click lets begin Connect a custom domain 7
  5. Click Let’s begin.
    By default, the system will use the name you entered as the primary domain and will also connect the name with www in front of it. (e.g. will be the primary domain and will also be connected.)If these defaults are okay, proceed.
    For this next step you’ll need to open a new tab in your browser and sign into your domain name provider account if you haven’t already. You’re now starting the process of pointing your domain to your Elementor site.
    4 I signed in whats Connect a custom domain 9
  6. Once signed in, click I signed in, what’s next?
    Once you’ve logged in to your registrar’s website in a new browser tab, you’ll need to access the settings for your domain. This will vary according to your domain name provider.
    5 Found it whats next 1 Connect a custom domain 11
  7. Once you’ve found your domain settings click Found it, what’s next?
    After you have logged in to your registrar’s website in a new browser tab, you’ll need to access the settings for your domain. This will vary according to your domain name provider.
    5 Found it whats next 1 Connect a custom domain 11
  8. Once you’ve found your domain settings click Found it, what’s next?
  9. Within your domain registrar Domain settings page, locate the A and CNAME records.
    6 Found them whats Connect a custom domain 15
  10. Go back to the Elementor tab and click Found them, what’s next?
    7 Copy files Connect a custom domain 17
    You can now access the A record and CNAME of your Elementor hosted website.
  11. Use the icon to copy the A record and CNAME.
  12. Go to your domain registrar, paste in these values, and update the A record and CNAME found in your domain settings.
    Example of adding an A Record:
    8 Example of an A record Connect a custom domain 19
    Example of adding a CNAME Record:
    CNAME example 1 Connect a custom domain 21
    If your domain is marked as Parked or is a AAAA domain, you may have to remove the existing record.

    If your domain is hosted at Cloudflare, you cannot turn on Proxy as this will not allow the domain to be properly connected. It has to be set to ‘DNS Only’ Domains.

    3 Connect a custom domain 23
  13. Go back to the Elementor tab and click I updated my records. Connect my domain.
    Wait for the process to complete. During this process, Elementor will:
    Add the domain to your site
    Issue an SSL certificate for the domain
    Verify your DNS records
Connect domain 9 Connect a custom domain 25

The Process can take up to 48 hours. Once the process is complete, you will be notified by email.

For more information on DNS propagation, why it takes time, and how to check its status

Elementor Premium Services can work with you to set up your site, getting you off to a great start on your road to success.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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