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FAQ – Legacy subscriptions

Last Update: April 1, 2024

Elementor legacy subscriptions

What are legacy plans?

As Elementor Pro grows and develops, so have our subscription plans. Sometimes users prefer to stick with their existing plans and in many cases Elementor allows users to maintain these plans. 

How long can I keep my legacy plan?

Currently, owners of legacy subscription plans can keep their plans provided they renew their subscriptions annually. If you fail to renew a legacy plan, you’ll have to purchase a new plan under the new terms. It’s important to note that owners of legacy plans may not necessarily benefit from new features. For example, owners of an Essential legacy plan will not have access to new features available in higher tiered plans.  

What happens if my renewal fails? 

If you have trouble with renewing your subscription, please contact Elementor support for assistance. 

Will I still get support for the features I currently have in my legacy plan?

Yes, you can continue getting support for all the features available in your subscription plan. 

Elementor Essential legacy plan

What is an Essential legacy plan?

Prior to December 4, 2023, the Elementor Essential plan includes access to all Elementor elements. On December 4th, the Essential subscription will be modified to be made more appropriate for beginner web creators and those who don’t need all of Elementor’s professional features. If you owned an Essential subscription prior to this change, you will not lose access to any elements and these elements will continue to benefit from future updates.

What will happen to my existing Essential legacy plan? 

Your existing plan will remain as is, and you will get all new updates that are part of the new Essential plan. To enjoy any new capabilities that are added to features that are now part of a higher plan, you can upgrade to a higher plan. 

What updates will my Essential plan get? 

Your Essential plan will continue to get regular updates to existing features in your plan whenever available, this includes features and security updates. 

What happens if I stop paying for my legacy Essential license? 

If you don’t renew your subscription upon expiration, you will lose your Legacy subscription. If you choose to purchase a new subscription at a later date, your new subscription will be subject to the plan and feature breakdown on the day of your new purchase. 

What happens if my renewal fails? Will I have to upgrade to a higher plan to have access to the same features I already had?

If you have trouble with renewing your subscription, please contact Elementor support for assistance. 

I am using a legacy plan, will I still get support for the features I currently have, even if they are not part of my plan anymore?

Yes, you can continue getting support for all the features available in your subscription plan.

Is the new Essential Plan a different Elementor Pro plugin? 

The Elementor Essential Plan is still part of the Elementor Pro plugin. Features in the Pro plugin will be available based on the plan you purchased.

I have an AI Write legacy subscription, how does that work?

For information about AI Write legacy subscriptions, see Elementor AI – FAQs.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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