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Add elements to a page

Last Update: December 17, 2023

With the Elementor Editor you build your page on the canvas using elements from the panel. These include containers, widgets, and more.There are two ways to add elements to the canvas:

  • Drag an element to the canvas 
  • Click an element 

Drag an element to the canvas

  • In the panel, click and drag the element you want to use to the canvas. 
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Click an element

Sometimes with complex layouts such as nested containers, it can be difficult to drag and drop elements exactly where you want them. Placing an element with a click allows you to select where you want to place the element and then add it to the canvas with a click.  

To add an element by clicking: 

  1. On the canvas, select where you want to place the element.
  2. Click the element in the panel. The element appears on the canvas. The location where the element appears depends on whether you’re using containers or sections. 

When using containers:

  • If you did not select a specific location  on the canvas, by default the  element appears in a new container  at the bottom of the page.  
  • If you select a location, the element appears as follows, depending on what you selected: 
What you selectWhere it appears on the canvas
An empty containerThe element appears in the selected container 
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A container that already contains elementsThe element appears either next to, or under, the existing elements,depending on whether your container is set to horizontal or vertical.
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An element (in a container)The element appears either next to, or under, the selected element (depending on whether your container is set to horizontal or vertical).
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  • When using sections:
  • If you did not select anything on the canvas, you create a new section at the bottom of the page containing the element. 
  • If you select a location, the element appears as follows, depending on what you selected: 
What you selectWhere it appears on the canvas
An empty section or inner sectionThe element appears in the left column of the section (or right column in a right-to-left website). 
A section or inner section that already contains elementsA new row is created and the new element is added to the left column (or right column in a right-to-left website). 
An element (in a section or inner section)The element appears under the selected element. 

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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