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Import files from desktop

Last Update: February 2, 2024

You may insert a file or group of files directly from your computer to the editor window by dragging and dropping into a section or column. This feature supports the allowed file types .jpeg, .png, .gif, and mp4. In addition to media files, you are able to easily drag any saved template files (.json) into the editor window.

Import From Desktop Import files from desktop 1

Dragging a media file onto the page will automatically add the media files to the media library, and create the correlating widget on the page (a dragged image will automatically place an image widget in the section, and a video will automatically place a video widget in the section).

Edit your files

In order to edit the title, alt-tags, and descriptions of your files, you will need to use the WP Media library functionality.

Media Attachment Import files from desktop 3

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