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Multi Select

Last Update: February 2, 2024

Save valuable time by selecting multiple items on your page. Once selected, you may duplicate, copy/paste styles, or delete with ease. 

MultiSelector Multi Select 1

Multi-selecting items

From the Editor window

  1. Edit a page using Elementor
  2. Select any page element
  3. Hold down the Command key (Mac), or Control key (Windows)
  4. Left clicking a page element in the editor while holding the ctrl / ⌘ key adds it to the current selection. If the element is already selected – it removes it from the current selection
  5. Right click or use hotkeys to duplicate, copy, paste, paste style, or delete the items selected
  6. Supported actions will apply for the entire selection

From the Navigator

  1. Select an item you wish from the navigator panel
  2. Hold down the Command key (Mac), or Control key (Windows)
  3. Left clicking a page element in the navigator while holding the ctrl / ⌘ key will add it to the current selection. If the element is already selected – it removes it from the current selection
  4. Select additional items desired
  5. Right click or use hotkeys to duplicate, copy, paste, paste style, or delete the items selected

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