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Delete a widget

Last Update: December 21, 2023

There are three easy ways to delete a widget:

  • From the cavas
  • From the Navigator
  • Using the widget handle

Delete a widget from the canvas
0 Select the widget from the canvas Delete a widget 1

  1. On the canvas, select the widget by clicking it.
  2. Press the delete key on your keyboard.

Delete a widget using the Navigator

  1. Click the Structure icon Structure icon Delete a widget 3.
    1 Clikc Structure Delete a widget 5
    This will open the Navigator.
    2 Locate the widget in the Navigator Delete a widget 7
  2. Find and select the widget element you wish to delete.
    3 right click navigator Delete a widget 9
  3. Right-click the element and choose Delete from the dropdown menu.

Delete a widget using the widget handle

  1. Right-click the widget’s Edit Widget handle edit widget Delete a widget 11.
    4 widget handle Delete a widget 13
    This will bring up the dropdown menu.
    5 Clikc delete Delete a widget 15
  2. Choose Delete from the dropdown menu.

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