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Counter widget

Last Update: April 14, 2024

The Counter Widget enables you to add an animated numbered counter to your page.



Content tab Counter widget 1
  1. Starting Number: Set the starting number of the counter.
  2. Ending Number: Set the ending number of the counter.
  3. Number Prefix: Enter text to appear before the number, if any, such as a dollar sign.
  4. Number Suffix: Enter text to appear after the number, if any, such as a plus sign.
  5. Animation Duration: The time in milliseconds for the running animation to complete.
  6. Thousand Separator: Show or hide the thousands separator.
  7. Separator: Select default, dot, or space for the thousand separator character.
  8. Title: Type the title that will appear below the number.
  9. Title HTML tag: Choose the HTML tag for your heading. Choices include H1 to H6, div (default), span, or p (paragraph).



Style Counter tab Counter widget 3
  1. Title Position: Place the title above, below, right of or left of the number on the counter.
  2. Title Horizontal Alignment: Place the title on the right, left or center of the Counter widget.
  3. Title Gap: Determine the space between the title of the counter and the number on the counter.
    This above options will not appear if there is no title.
  4. Number Position: Place the number on the counter to the right, left or center of the Counter widget. There is also a stretch option which will affect the spacing if you use a Number prefix or suffix. These options are found in the Content tab.


Style Number tab Counter widget 5
  1. Text Color: Choose the color of the number text.
  2. Typography: Set the typography options for the number text.
  3. Text Stroke: Color the outline of your text and images. Learn more about text stroke.
  4. Text Shadow: Add depth to the text. For more details, see, What is Shadow?


This section will not appear if there is no title.
Style title tab Counter widget 7
  1. Text Color: Choose the color of the title text.
  2. Typography: Set the typography options for the title text.
  3. Text Stroke: Color the outline of your text and images. Learn more about text stroke.
  4. Text Shadow: Apply a shadow using color, blur, and offset options. For more details, see, What is Shadow?


Advanced tab Counter widget 9

Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget

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