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Create an audio playlist with Elementor

Last Update: August 17, 2023

The audio playlist is a native WordPress feature and can be used in the classic editor, or block editor using the classic block. It uses mp3 files uploaded to the media library and very similar to creating an image gallery. In order to create an audio playlist in Elementor, you will need to use the Text Editor Widget.

Get Started

  1. From the Basic Widget library, drag a Text Editor Widget to your page in the desired location
    Drag Text Editor Widget Create an audio playlist with Elementor 1
  2. Click the Add Media button in the Text Editor controls
    Click Add Media Button Create an audio playlist with Elementor 3
  3. Select the Create audio playlist from the options on the left
    Select Create Audio Playlist Create an audio playlist with Elementor 5
  4. Select the files you wish to be included in your playlist and click the “Create a new playlist” button in lower corner
    Select Audio Files Create an audio playlist with Elementor 7
  5. Select the playlist settings you wish to include. The track titles can also be edited at this time. Click the “Insert audio playlist” button in the lower corner
    image 34 Create an audio playlist with Elementor 9
  6. You will now see the playlist in the editor panel. It will not show in the main window but be displayed as the shortcode. This is normal and will only show on the live pageReturn To Editor 1 Create an audio playlist with Elementor 11
  7. Publish or Update your page and view from the preview icon or in another tab. Your audio playlist should be visible and working
    Final Audio Playlist Create an audio playlist with Elementor 13

Tip: Video Playlists may be created using the same steps above. 

Note: Since this uses the media library and is stored in the uploads folder, the files can be downloaded by users using the developer tools or inspecting the code. It is recommended to upload clips or lower quality files if important to protect this from occurring. 

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