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Ever heard of the saying: "Your nose knows?" Whoever invented that phrase hit the nail right on the head. Especially when it comes to perfumes. Many women have found a perfume they absolutely adore -- it can be found both on their dresser and in their purse in a travel size. Likewise, many people have a perfume (and likely more than one) they look at with definite distaste. They flat out refuse to buy it, look at it, or even be around people who wear it.

With that being said, everyone's nose is different. While one woman's nose is sensitive to most scents, another woman's nose knows no bounds. (Try saying that 10 times fast!) So though these fragrances may be the worst-rated according to our readers' opinions, don't let that stop you from trying one of them out. Who knows -- it might turn out to be a match made in nose heaven!

And if your perfume made this list, don't be offended. If you love it, who cares what other people think? We're all for sticking with your faves. But if you're having second thoughts about it, take this perfume personality quiz to find the perfect fragrance for your style. After all, every one should have a signature fragrance -- preferably one that doesn't bother anyone's nose!

Image via Imaxtree average reader rating: 6.5*
Why: While this is "a classic 'Old Lady in a Bottle' scent," some readers say the fragrance is "something even my grandmother would have snubbed." The "thick, rich" smell reminded one reader of "cats, mothballs and fruitcakes" and caused sneezes and headaches for several others. The "overpowering" scent made one reader "sick to [her] stomach," and another reader went so far as to claim that "even touching the bottle sticks the fragrance to your fingers in such a way that you'll smell that sickeningly thick aroma all day!" Buyers beware: this is "definitely a love or hate scent."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average reader rating: 6.5*
Why: Readers say this perfume "screams old lady," is "not youthful at all," and has a "dated fragrance." The "musky" and "woody" scent also has a touch of "floral" to it, which reminded one reader of a combination of her "grandmother and trees." Readers say this perfume is "not original," "definitely forgettable" and smells like "cheap, rose-scented baby powder," almost like they "just slapped it together in 10 minutes." One reader hated it so much that "after an hour of wearing a single spritz of this perfume, I found myself furiously trying to wash it off my arm."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

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No. 11: Lush Go Green, $7.95 average reader rating: 6.4*
Why: One reader who loves all LUSH products says, "this is not a fave." It has an "intrusive" scent, which was "a little too sweet-smelling" for several readers. One reader who was "not a fan of this evergreen scent to spray on [her] body" says it did make "a great neutralizer for the bathroom and kitchen after cooking." And like all fragrances, of course, it "smells different on everyone," but readers say to stay away unless you like smelling "like a Christmas tree air freshener."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average reader rating: 6.1*
Why: Readers didn't particularly like the fragrance's "strong burnt marshmallow" smell, which they say was "overwhelmingly sweet, but not in a good way." One reader calls it "the nastiest, cheapest smelling perfume you have ever smelled." Another reader says she "literally gagged" when she breathed it in. A third reader says the scent didn't leave her either "disappointed" or "jumping with joy." But while she enjoyed the "sweet and powdery smell," she says it "doesn't seem to last very long."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

Ever heard of the saying: "Your nose knows?" Whoever invented that phrase hit the nail right on the head. Especially when it comes to perfumes. Many women have found a perfume they absolutely adore -- it can be found both on their dresser and in their purse in a travel size. Likewise, many people have a perfume (and likely more than one) they look at with definite distaste. They flat out refuse to buy it, look at it, or even be around people who wear it.

With that being said, everyone's nose is different. While one woman's nose is sensitive to most scents, another woman's nose knows no bounds. (Try saying that 10 times fast!) So though these fragrances may be the worst-rated according to our readers' opinions, don't let that stop you from trying one of them out. Who knows -- it might turn out to be a match made in nose heaven!

And if your perfume made this list, don't be offended. If you love it, who cares what other people think? We're all for sticking with your faves. But if you're having second thoughts about it, take this perfume personality quiz to find the perfect fragrance for your style. After all, every one should have a signature fragrance -- preferably one that doesn't bother anyone's nose!

Image via Imaxtree
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